I had a gentleman named John and his chef friend named Janos joined me in the kitchen last night. They are both from Tucson and were in town and asked if they could come and play with me. John is geochemist at the university of Arizona. He has a lot of knowledge of liquid nitrogen ( he uses it for science stuff) It was a lot of fun asking him scientific questions about centrifuges and he told me stories of putting liquid nitrogen in his mouth. We talked about building specific scientific machines that we could use in molecular cooking. I think we started a great relationship and I am very interested being able to know a professor I can bounce some questions off of. We are going to do the Lego dish this week. I am excited for this new presentation.
Tasting menu

Roasted summer vegetables
Vinaigrette sheet, ricotta gnocchi, squash blossoms from my garden
Red=shrimp, Blue=pineapple, Green=corn, Yellow=goat cheese, Orange=cilantro
chive creme fraiche, lego garnishes
Hibiscus space foam
Sou-vide prime rib cubes
Warm walnut mayo, fried aujus, morel puree
Warm zucchini bread
Golden raisin ice cream made tableside
Using liquid nitrogen