Saturday, August 30, 2008
3 years old going on 42
Marinara stuffed meatballs

700g pork butt, 700g ground beef, 70g roasted garlic puree
160g small dice onion and celery sauteed, 80g mayploy, 25g salt
30g parsley chopped, 17g activa, 8g pepper, 100g eggs
Mix all ingredients and chill overnight. Freeze small balls of marinara in liquid nitrogen.
Roll the meat around the marinara and place in plastic wrap and steam for 4 minutes
Roll in bread crumbs and sear in oil. Bring the temperature up slowly in a 250 degree oven
Monday, August 25, 2008
Milk and cookies
Tasting menu 51
Alaskan king crab
Passion fruit film, poached fruits, fennel mousse
Quail egg quiche
Black truffle, onion confit, apple syrup
Mojito space foam

Mozzarella sheets, pasta puree, Goats milk parmesan
Colorado western slope peaches
Sangria syrup, mascarpone ice cream made tableside
With liquid nitrogen
Saturday, August 23, 2008
DNC 08

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Creme brulee short cut
1000 G Cream
240 G Egg yolks
160 G Sugar
4 Ea Sheets gelatin bloomed in water
Scald the cream. Add the eggs to the sugar and whisk for 2 minutes. Temper the egg yolk mixture with the hot cream. Add the bloomed gelatin and return to medium heat for 2 minutes. Stir constantly.Remove, strain and let set
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tatsing menu 50

Yuzu soda with rasberry sorbet
Crispy chocolate wrapped curried peanuts
Smoked corn pipette, crispy potato, potato foam
Unagi, Asian pear, king mushroom
Bing cherry flambé
Mexican vanilla ice cream made
Table side with liquid nitrogen
Friday, August 15, 2008

We used a propel bottle and screwed a tire pressure valve onto the top. We then fit a valve onto a hose that conected to a c02 bottle. You hook up the bottle and turn on the gauge to 20psi. You then turn the bottle over and shake until the slight bubbling noise has stoped. This means that the C02 has mixed into the liquid. You let the bottle rest for 5 minutes and then crack it open. Apple juice and orange juice were amazing. We are now going to make our own soda and carbonated liquor.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tasting menu 49

Jelly fish, roasted peppers, toasted nori cream

Heirloom tomatoes 10 ways
Marshmallow, granita, sushi, glass, confit,
Inverted Bruschetta, fata paper, clarified, sou-vide, candied
Roasted lemon
Peppered chicken, brown butter powder, crispy garden squash
Black pearl tapioca
Coffee jelly, condensed milk ice cream
Made table side with liquid nitrogen

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Curried peanuts in crispy chocolate

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Isomalt light bulb

Slowly pull the ring up to get the candle form

Tasting menu 48
Yogurt paper
White cherry tomatoes, olive soil, red pepper jel
Pit roasted salmon
Orzo, whipped lemon, cucumber
Porcini amber
Manchero, bison, smoked grapes
Girl Scout samoas ice cream
Thin mint dippin dots made table side
With liquid nitrogen
Be a faster cook- Learn to play the drums