Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The commissary smells like weed
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Fancy pants party

Mini tandori chicken skewers with sweet pea pesto and yogurt caviar
Smoked trout and apple stuffed mushroom with warm walnut mayo
“Mai Tai”
Rum and triple sec mixed with toasted almond syrup and fresh squeezed lime juice
Served over cherry ice cubes, glass rimed with lime pop rocks
Strawberry-Banana daiquiri frozen with liquid nitrogen
with sweetened condensed milk
Small plate 1
Berebere encrusted tiger shrimp
Color changing bubbles, garlic and blue crab fried rice, pickled mango and pineapple
Small plate 2
Sous- vide pork tenderloin and bacon in beau monde and herbs
Grilled applesauce, spatzel carbonara, Worcestershire jel
Tasting of fun textures
Nitrogen frozen smore
Cheesecake ice cream with frozen caramel powder
Twizzlers space foam
Banana foster creme brulee
Thursday, November 4, 2010
New projects
I started the cart at the Colorado Convention center a few weeks ago. Our sales were good at the Gorillaz and Drake concert and not so good for the private conferences. I am interested to see how our business will grow. Our next convention will be the Holiday and Gift show from the 19th to the 21st. I am also working with the Breckenridge brewery to come up with a line of liquid nitrogen ice creams that use there great brews. They will make it to order at their Kalamath location. I will also be in Florida 3 times this month presenting the miracle fruit to elementary kids. The goal is to implement the fruit and the recipes into the lunch program at 85 schools in southern Florida
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Color changing food

Slow foods dinner at Six 89

Monday, September 27, 2010
Cart Menu 5, Justice League of street food and beyond
Chai Tea $3
Small plate
Grilled marinated potrebella with
haystack mountain Feta $4
Creme brulee
Traditional creme brulee with banana foster $4
Liquid Nitrogen Popcorn
Peanut butter $2
Ice cream sammie
#1 Espresso fudge cookie, whipped marshmallow
summer strawberry ice cream $4
Mango rimmed with chili sugar $1
Coconut with brown sugar pineapple $4
Ice cream
“berry sundae” Sweet strawberry ice cream
with blueberry bubbles and blackberry pop rocks $4
Space Foam
MIAMI VICE “Kool-aid”
Mango rimmed with chili sugar $1
Hot Chocolate with frozen whipped cream $3
BACK TO THE FUTURE Ice cream Sammie
Strawberry ice cream, whipped marshmallow
fudge espresso cookie $4
Coconut sorbet with grilled pineapple and
brown sugar bubbles $4
SMURF Space Foam
Smurf berry $3
Summer strawberry with white chocolate pop rocks $4
Traditional with banana foster $4
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Passed appetizers
Colorado lamb meatball wrapped in angel hair and rosemary
Roasted sweet Colorado corn and apple shooters
Smoked Rainbow trout Bruschetta
Chef’s garden grown vegetable kabobs with sweet pea pesto
Long family pork belly sliders with asian slaw and hoison aioli
Rocky ford melon pipettes with serrano peppers and proisutto
Food Entertainment Stations
Baked rolls and sesame crackers from City Bakery
Artisan cheese from Haystack Mountain Dairy
Goat cheese baked in olive oil and rosemary
Pickled watermelon and mint with feta
Creamy buttercup with Colorado peach chutney
Snowdrop with jalapeno caramel
Hand rolled mini tamales with red chili or green chili and pork
Featuring Colorado cheeses,farm to table vegetables and unique sauces
Cotijo cheese, Asadero, western slope corn, hatch chili, chef grown tomatoes
yuzu avocado and black olive chipotle
Colorado poured bar
Cottonwood cellars, Debuque canyon winery
Great divide and Breckenridge brewery
Stanahan’s whiskey, Colorado vodka and Montanya rum
Creation Stations
Stanahan’s whiskey caviar and cream
Montanya rum carbonated over vanilla ice cubes
Colorado vodka peach martini with strawberry pop rocks
Ice cream station
Strawberry mint ice cream, hot fudge ice cream and Madagascar vanilla sorbet made with liquid nitrogen. Topping bar includes:
Exploding banana whipped cream, chocolate bubbles, pineapple bubbles, frozen caramel rocks, coconut marshmallows, mint paper and carbonated cherries
Monday, September 20, 2010
Cart Menu 4
Chai tea $3
Chilled red pepper with haystack mountain feta $4
Creme brulee
whole raspberries with raspberry sugar $4
Liquid Nitrogen Popcorn
Black truffle $2
Ice cream sammie
#1 Espresso fudge cookie, whipped marshmallow
caramel ice cream $4
Coconut pineapple with mojito sugar $1
Blueberry pomegranate $4
Ice cream
Melissa’s caramel with sea salt and peanut
butter pop rocks $4
Space Foam
Popcorn $3
Yogurt meringue sticks $2
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Cart Menu 3
Chai tea $3
Pineapple consommé with frozen pineapple foam $4
Creme brulee
Burned with cappuccino sugar $4
Ice cream sammie
#1 Espresso fudge cookie, whipped marshmallow
caramel ice cream $4
#2 Coconut macaroon, lemon curd, raspberry sorbet $4
Fruit punch with strawberry fizzy pop rocks $1
Raspberry sorbet with Ian’s carbonated lemonade $4
Ice cream
Melissa’s caramel with sea salt crust $4
Space Foam
Chocolate and mint from our garden $3
Hatch chili $3
Yogurt meringue sticks $2
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Cart Locations
Ginger caramel corn with asian
spiced nuts $3
Mango peach with blackberry pop rocks $4
Ice cream
“Smores” Hot fudge ice cream with burnt
marshmallow and graham cracker $4
Apple pie $1
Creme brulee
Banana foster $4
Ice cream sammie
Espresso hot fudge cookie with whipped
marshmallow and hot fudge ice cream $4
Space foam
Root Beer $3
Coconut with frozen pineapple cream $4
Yogurt meringue bites $2
Slow Foods Dinner at six89
What a Wednesday
We are still trying to catch up from Wednesday of last week. We debuted the Inventing room cart in the morning and had a catered event at the Governors mansion that night. We began the morning loading my car full of tables, water bottles, tents and whatever else I could fit into it. I drove to commissary and loaded all of my prepped purees, bases and creme brulee into my coolers. Chad, the chef from the Porker cart helped me get my product to the site along with towing our cart. We unpacked and waited to see what would walk up, not a lot but I was OK with that. It was our first time and I had to figure out what went where and if I put this over here it might make it easier. We packed up our cart and the Honda around 3:00 and drove the cart back to the garage. Exhausted, I now had to think about the buffet we needed to have set by 6:00. We made it to the mansion at 4:30 and began to set when we realized our bread had not been delivered. There was a mix up with our order and our menu featured a bread station. Jeff ran to Whole Foods, the bread company sent a emergency delivery and we did what we could until we got slammed around 6:30. It all ended up working out and it was a really fun event.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Jennifer and Peter's wedding

Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Inventing room cart debut
We will be making our debut at Tiri's garden on Wednesday August 25th at 15th and California. The cart will feature 7-8 categories that will change daily according to seasonality. I am really looking forward to bringing our vision of street food to fruition. We can talk until we are blue in the face but the bottom line is people need to try what we are doing, you can't explain space foam no matter how hard you try. Here is our opening menu, no item will be over $4. Please come down and grab some treats, there are some amazing street vendors that will be gathering from 11-3
Chilled black cherry soup with apple
creme fraiche
Tomato and basil Kettle corn $3
Peanut butter sorbet with chocolate pop rocks
Vanilla ice cream with 1 topping
Banana foster, Colorado peach,
Hot fudge exploding whipped cream,
Whipped marshmallow, Melissa’s caramel,
Organic strawberries, Vanilla sugar $1 add on
Double chocolate cookie, marshmallow
vanilla bean ice cream
vanilla bean, cappuccino or lemon raspberry sugar $4
Root Beer
Summer strawberry with condensed milk
Mango peach
A kid in a candy factory

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Have you kissed your dishwasher today?

I miss my dishwasher. The last 4 years I was spoiled at a hotel where there was a team of stewards that did all of the cleaning for us. Now I find myself soaked from head to toe after a good battle with the dishwasher after a catered event. My advice( if your dishwasher is worth keeping) is to grill up a good steak, crack open a nice beer and thank your dishwasher at the end of their shift because you don't want to end up wet and stinky
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The cart
I have been trying to finish up some projects this week so I can concentrate on getting our street cart up and running. We will have 8 or 9 choices everyday ranging from creme brulee to gazpacho. No item will be over 4 dollars. We are still looking for a private land owner that will let us park our cart on their property, preferably someone downtown or in the tech center with lots of foot traffic. Please email us if you know of anyone who is interested. Here is our stripped down cart. I will work on some decals this week along with our inspection so we can be up and running. Please visit our cart menu at www.theinventingroomonline.com. Thanks to the waffle brothers for letting me use their cart.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Six89 Beer

Monday, August 2, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010
Carbondale Mountain Fair

Our Slushy made American Libraries Magazine
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Planning for 2000 liquid nitrogen slushies

I have always loved math but sometimes the numbers are overwhelming. It starts with a simple recipe: 3 oz of fruit syrup strawberry or mango, 3 oz of apple juice and 4 ounces of water. Add 6 ounces of liquid nitrogen and top with .2 oz sweetened condensed milk. Serve in a corn based recycled cup with a jumbo straw. Now multiply by 2000. That would be roughly 25 gallons each of fruit puree, 50 gallons of apple juice and about 65 gallons of water. Each 220 liter tank of nitrogen has 58 gallons but the nitrogen is always evaporating. If my tanks are delivered today, how much will be left for the event?94 gallons times the evaporation rate in the dewar times the number of hours, to be on the safe side I will order 3 tanks. Straws and cups are easy, just need to think about the environmental impact. 4 gallons of sweetened condensed milk. Now how many people do I need??
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Anythink library opening

Please join us on July 10 for the Grand Opening of Anythink Wright Farms. We will cooking burgers and dogs with gourmet toppings on egg buns from Mike Bortz at City Bakery. Whats a BBQ without liquid nitrogen mango and strawberry slushies with sweetened condensed milk? We will be donating .50 cents of each sale back to the library's educational programs. The opening begins at 1:00 and there are different programs for the family throughout the day.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Asian Stroganoff Pipette

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Marshmallow Vodka

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Ice cream drinks
Shopping for a bullet proof vest this Father's day
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Taste of Elegance Beer Competition, the results
The Culinary code??
Mai Tai
Rum and triple sec mixed with toasted almond syrup and fresh squeezed lime juice
Served over cherry ice cubes, glass rimed with lime pop rocks
Blue Hawaii
Rum, pineapple juice and blue curacao hand carbonated. Served over coconut snow with pineapple and cherry caviar
Chi Chi
Vodka and pineapple juice “slushie” with coconut bubbles. Served with a brown sugar grilled pineapple cherry kabob
Toasted coconut ice cream with macadamia nut crunch, grilled pineapple and toasted Hawaiian vanilla marshmallow
Luau ice cream ( taro, brown sugar, coconut milk) served with honey grilled wontons
and candy ginger
Mango guava sorbet with diced kiwi and mint and frozen honey crystals