Saturday, February 9, 2008

Broken olives

I wanted to serve some olives on the meat course. We wanted the broken olives to hold a shape on the plate like they were glued together. My experiences with methocel are mixed. I am still figuring out hydration and the differnt types of methocels for different applications. This recipe yields a thick glue like texture that can be mixed with any product and steamed for 1 minute. The methocel gels and holds its shape. You must serve it warm or it will loose it will fall apart.

400 grams water
5 grams methocelE4M
Boil water and take it off the stove. Place the methocel and water in a container and mix with the hand mixer. Place the mixture in the walkin and allow it to cool. The water will seperate from the methocel. Mix it again with the hand mixer and a thick gel will form.


Anonymous said...

Got your link off Chadzilla and check in at random. Some info on methocel that might help.

I stand by SG A-16M. The E4M is a hydroxypropyl methocellulose and has less gelling capabiliy. Granted you have to choose the appropriate methocel for the desired effect, I find that most applications work with the SG A-16M. If you do not have it already DOW Chemical has a great product selection guide that you can request from their tech dept. in email form. This provides detailed instruction for hydration and application for HPMCs and MCs. The formula that we have come to use is
500g of base product
100g water
7.25 g of methocel A-16M

This has a higher viscosity and the end result is able to be piped, spread on a silpat and torched, put in the oven in molds, ect...

I start by heating the water to 180 degrees F, whisk in the methocel, then put the base in the blender and start mixing, add the hydrated methocel, and let it shear for at least 1 minute, or until it appears smooth and no longer grainy. Then cool to below 50 degrees and the methocel is activated(different grades require different temps). If you let it cool more it will become thicker. Then we have poached them, put them under the broiler, in the fryer, on the flat top, in mold and in the oven. It holds it's shape much longer than the E4M. Just personal experience that might help in some way, shape or texture.

Lazaro said...

It seems delicious. I would like to try cooking it. Any kind of requirement about the option of meat? And how about using pork? Any additional information while using pork?